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● Live • 5:27 PM

luv is a ruthless game unless u play it good and right
............................ (ꐦ𝅒_𝅒) 🗯 !?
howdy~ i’m fi !! i’m 20 y/o, i use she/her pronouns ១ i'm american ! i'm an ♒︎ aquarius sun, intp, type 6, ravenclaw, cabin ten <333
.BYF. read dnf, check my other socials, i'm 20, be prepared for major taylor references, my work includes sensitive content, not everything will have a tw unless it's things like sa, smut, or detailed depictions of injuries |
.DNI. if you are under 15, snape apologist, don't understand media literacy, anti-fanfic, a bigot of any kind, want me to write a fic specifically for you, promote toxicity, etc! |

.MOST IMPORTANT. taylor swift ១ ronald b weasley ១ my cats ១ sally rooney ១ degrassi: tng
.(✿◠‿◠). sabrina carpenter ១ gwyneth paltrow ១ sadie sink ១ fleabag ១ phoebe bridgers ១ iasip
.OTHERS. maggie rogers ១ gillian flynn ១ paul rudd ១ one direction ១ h3h3
Likes ✅
coffee, films, rainy nights, the sims 3, my ocs, teen soap operas, canadian people, nostalgia, red velvet cake, trader joe's

Dislikes ❌
rom com books, draco malfoy, living in the midwest, spicy food, chocolate ice cream, most dogs, sleeping in